Jump Start Your Weight Loss
Eleven Hot Tips
- EAT PROTEIN at every meal and snack.
- EAT BREAKFAST everyday to jump start your metabolism (suggestions: omega-3 eggs with some berries, nitrate-free organic breakfast meats, rice protein shake made with berries & ground flax, etc.).
- ELIMINATE WHEAT AND FLOUR based products for the time being. That includes bread & pasta (non-gluten grains are okay in small amounts).
- ELIMINATE "FOOD PRODUCTS" 90% of what you eat should be food that could have been hunted, caught, gathered from the ground, plucked from a tree or grown.
- EAT AN UNLIMITED AMOUNT OF NON-STARCHY VEGETABLES such as asparagus, bok choy, broccoli, beets, etc.
- DON'T OVEREAT THE AMOUNT OF FRUITS especially the extra-sweet, extra ripe variety. Fruits are very healthy, but fruits contain calories and carbohydrates.
- ELIMINATE DAIRY for now, especially cow's milk. Occassional exceptions include servings of plain-organic yogurt and unsweetened almond or rice milk is okay.
- ELIMINATE ALCOHOL for now. You can add it back later...in moderation!
- WORRY LESS ABOUT THE AMOUNT OF FAT you eat and pay more attention to the KIND of fat.
- ELIMINATE ALL SUGAR and check all food, drink and condiment labels.
- DRINK 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water and/or unsweetened green tea every day.
Note: The following recommendations are "controlled carbohydrate" guidelines that will enhance your weight loss. These recommendations are usually followed for 2-3 weeks, depending on your goal.